Collecting Data Points
A New Zealand success story with over 6,500 employees across the globe, Datacom delivers a myriad of solutions around the world for a wide range of clients. Given the depth and breadth of what Datacom has to offer, the challenge is about achieving cut through in a competitive and crowded market. We work with Datacom to make the highly complex simple and accessible when it comes to their messaging and marketing.
Navigating through constant change
Organising and sharpening the messaging, simplifying the complex and ever changing product and service offering, and delivering this to customers and prospects across one-to-one, digital and print mediums. Whether it is producing their Annual Review publication, defining the employer brand, providing B2B strategy, advertising campaigns or creating digital content Seven acts as Datacom’s agency.
Technology never stands still
Working as their trusted advisor we have helped with parsing their complex brand architecture; reinvented the way the Cloud team messages their offer; developed compelling digital campaigns; distilled their customer stories into an always-on strategy.
2018 — ONGOING
Seven are an integral partner who have taken the time to understand the complexities of our business. They bring insights that untangle, unify and offer a way forward.
Alex Mercer – Head of Group Marketing and Communications, Datacom